What to cook while Camping

What to cook at camp

Black People Do Camp

Many people say meals cooked at camp taste better than regular meals but what they forget to talk about is the painstaking process that is involved in cooking at camp. Indeed, cooking at camp might seem like so much fun when things are going well and according to plans, but when they're not, it can be a complete disaster, this why most people resort to taking already cooked meals from home, snacks and tinned meals to eat at camp. Of course, people have romanticized the ideas of how tasty meals cooked at camp can be. For example, in epic movies, we see scenarios where wildlife is caught in seconds with bows and arrows and miraculously skinned and attached to a spit for roasting. This time consuming activities usually seem so easy when they actually aren’t.

Most campers pack food items that can be wrapped in aluminum foils and warmed on hot coals or grilled on a grate on open fire or simply tinned foods that can be eaten with little preparation. Although campers regularly resort to cooking soups, stews and pasta in camps on hot coals, the process can be very difficult since you have to regularly monitor the fire and hot coals which can die out or burn too hot.

Regardless, there are many people who have made an art of cooking at camps. I know a fellow African American camper who goes camping with her children and she makes magic (cooks really delicious meals) while camping.

There are also other meals that can be easily cooked while camping, some of them are:

Many people always forget that hot dogs are very easy to cook over fires and many don’t know that it tastes much better charred from the outside. This is why hot dogs are a very delicious meal to be cooked on camping trips.

Bacon is also another wonderful camping treat that gives true meaning to the idea that camp food tastes better than regular food. Pieces of bacon roasted on hot coals with a roasting stick are usually very tasty.

Sounds silly doesn't it? Well, you can roast pieces of fruits like peaches, apple or pineapples and enjoy them as a camp treat after dinner because a little heat from the fire caramelizes the sugar on the outside of the fruit and makes for a very sweet yet healthy dessert.

Kebabs are chunks of meat and veggies roasted with the heat from an open campfire, they are yummy and easy. Give it a try!

Sandwiches are a great go-to while camping. You can have everything from cold sandwiches to sandwiches with grilled cheese. And for extra yummy-ness, add grilled chicken.

Easy recipe with great results. All you need to do is clean the potatoes, then wrap them in tin foils before allowing them to cook on the hot coal. While cooking them, you have to make sure to keep watch over the potatoes so they don't end up burning. After the potatoes are baked, they can be eaten with baked potato fixings and sauce.

Of course, you can avoid the problems and troubles that go along with trying to cook at camp and just focus on having fun at this African American camping event in June while we provide you with your daily meals. All you have to do is purchase the meal plan while doing your registration for big camping events like Melanated Campout in June.

Haven’t heard of Melanated Campout yet? Well, check it out, it’s an African-American camping event full of adventure, relaxation, and activities. In fact, it’s the Largest Campout East of the Mississippi!

Black People do Camp! Join the black outdoor movement today.

Why the outdoors are for everyone and black people should try camping

If you are like us, you have probably asked a loved one to join you in camping and in the growing black outdoor movement and you were met with a "No, thank you."

The conversation was probably similar to the many we had with Cayela prior to actually joining her. Does this sound familiar?

"Hey, what do you ladies think about going on a camping trip?"

Jocelyn raised her eyes from the magazine in front of her and looked at me as though I was an alien. "Camping?"

"Camping as in going out to the woods and serving myself up on a platter as meat for some wild animal to eat?" Shunte’asked.

"Well, no, we'd just be going all together with a couple of other people to the woods and..."  You see...I was trying to explain before being cut off.

"I ain't going," Jocelyn said abruptly dropping her eyes back to her magazine.

"Yeah, I ain't going either and besides, black people don't camp."  Shunte’ said.

Cutting this long story of how I tried to convince them of the advantages of going camping and thoroughly failing, my friends refused to go camping with me.

This reluctance to camp is why many people believe in the myth that black people don't camp but I'm here to tell you that black folk camp too.  Guess what? It's a lot of fun, which is why people of color should start camping more often. Why not enjoy the fresh air, back packing, tubing and conversions by the campfire? Join in the growing black camping movement.

black people do camp

If you're one of those who believe that black people don't camp, you need to dispel your belief because black people definitely camp. Look at previous 850+ black campers who have attended Campout on the past.

Fact: Black folk camp too

In fact, some people attribute the reasons why few black people camp to history when racial discrimination was a big thing in America, where blacks were banned from specific outdoor places like national parks or beaches by custom or law. These were the periods when African Americans had to be careful not to go near national parks because they were not so safe due to the Park service's history of discrimination.

black man self care camping

Melanated Campout event in August is going to be a wonderful way for black people to connect with nature and participate in Self-Care. With a lot of fun camping activities and adventure planed, campers will be able to go home with many memorable tales to tell their friends and families.  These stories will entail never ending fun and relief from stress that was had during the entire weekend.

This summer, you have the chance to meet new people and make new friends, network, participate in outdoor yogafishing, gather around fires to talk and tell stories, participate in water gun battle, attend parties (HBCU- Homecoming, old school hip hop). But more then that, for first time campers you have the opportunity to experience camping in safe space.

Growing black outdoor movement

Our hope is that while this may be your first experience camping and become a committed member of the black outdoor movement; it won't be your last. We want this trip to give you a taste of the benefits of being outside and encourage you to use what you have learned to camp through out the year with your new camp cousin and also your family. One of the greatest legacies you can leave your family, is the love for the outdoors. To find a space in this world where you can connect with the outdoors, find peace, sit still with yourself and reflect on how wonderful things are or go camping with your family and make memories that last a lifetime are priceless. Memories that don't involve electronics (or at least a lot of them) but instead good clean fun.

In recent years, there has been an increase in new audiences enjoying camping. We invite you to join in the growing black outdoor movement.

Meet us at the largest Melanated Campout east of the Mississippi!

black folk camp too

Black people don't camp!- said every black person until they try it

Why Melanated Campout is Great for Self-Care

Camping and Self-care

Self-care is the key to a healthy and contented life. It refers to pausing the hustle and bustle of life to take time for your sense of positivity and peace. It enables you to maintain a healthy relationship with your well-being and foster relationships with others.

Camping is a distinctive form of self-care retreat because it helps you connect with nature and the calmness of the surrounding environment. Camping offers you a safe, healing place to put aside external distractions, focus entirely on your physical and emotional well-being, and spend time on your hobbies.

Yoga on beach at Melanated Campout
Yoga on beach at Melanated Campout

How is Camping Self-Care?

Camping is a marvelous opportunity to connect with nature. You have to go outside bare feet and walk on the ground for some time. Camping can provide a safe healing space to enhance your overall wellness and improve physiological dysfunction.

Camping is an exciting way to learn new skills and try something new. Camping can enhance your critical thinking skills and build confidence. Your body and mind will be at peace instead of dwelling on the life stressors. 

Camping is an excellent experience for people who love to stay active, and physical activity is an essential construct of self-care. It promotes your physical health by managing weight, increasing energy, improving muscle mass, and helping to prevent diseases. When you go camping, it can provide you with a perfect atmosphere to go for a walk or a hike.

Camping offers you a self-care retreat because it allows you to take inspiration from your surroundings and explore new dimensions. You will feel mesmerized by the natural beauty, and all the tiredness will go away.

If you want to take time off from the busy and tiring routine, you should go camping. Camping is self-care as it lets you enjoy the calmness of wind rushing through your body and the melodic sounds of birds. It allows you to connect with your inner-self away from the chaos of life. 

While camping, your sensory stimuli are activated, which lets you experience the beauty of nature. You can have a beautiful view of nature, smell flowers, and feel the dewy grass under your feet.

The vibrant colors and smell of flowers stimulate your senses to boost the production of melatonin and serotonin; these hormones help you calm down and boost your mood. 

Additionally, when you try activities like swimming or playing while camping, it serves as a safe healing space. Camping self-care relieves stress from your mind and body to give you a light feeling of peace.

Research suggests that camping is one of the most effective ways to reset your sleep rhythm and lets you fulfill the requirement of natural light. Camping encourages you to watch the mesmerizing sunrise and sunset instead of spending these beautiful hours scrolling through the phone screens.

Why is Melanated Campout Great for Self-Care?

Melanated Campout is the perfect opportunity for you to take a weekend to reconnect with nature and participate in activities and games to cherish a self-care retreat. So what are we offering for the best of your self-care?

Although camping alone is exciting and fun, our weekend event allows you to build a sense of community. You can bring your friends or family to have a unique experience to ensure self-care while camping. 

Additionally, our diverse community of people at the camp will help you build healthy relationships. Fostering a positive and affirmative sense of community can extend your life span and delay memory problems in the coming years.

outdoor play at Melanated Campout

Melanated Campout offers you an adventurous and empowering camping experience. Being out in the natural environment gets your creative and energetic juices flowing. 

We have many entertaining activities planned out for you, from yoga, fishing, hiking, empowering sessions, games, movie nights, and parties. We want you to relax on the camping event for self-care and reflect on your life.

Natural Peaceful Setting

Our Melanated Campout believes that a safe healing space is critical to ensure self-care. We provide you with a natural and soothing setting near a lake. We also offer modern restroom facilities and a clean environment to provide you with a self-care retreat. And don't be afraid to dry-camp, that can be even more peaceful.

Pack your bags and book your tickets; we are waiting to welcome you!

A Quick Guide To Dry Camping the Easy Way

A Quick Guide To Dry Camping

black folk camp rv

Dry camping can be intimidating for camping newbies, but it's one of the best experiences you can have. It's also known as boondocking or wild camping. It's the art of living outdoors without hookups to water and electricity – but it doesn't have to be scary. Let's walk through what you need to make your dry camping trip a success.

What Is Dry Camping?

Dry camping is a way to enjoy the outdoors and save money — in the process, you get to practice basic survival skills. You don't need expensive equipment, and you don't have to be in shape. It's about getting outside and enjoying nature. Suppose you haven't tried dry camping before. In that case, it's an excellent opportunity to break out of your comfort zone and get more experience with food preparation, fire building, and other wilderness skills.

Dry camping can be done in various ways, but the main thing is that you're staying at least partially off the grid, and you don't want to rely on electricity or running water. 

You don't have to be comfortable outdoors to enjoy dry camping, and it's not just for those skilled at packing a tent and pitching a tent on top of the snow. Even if you're not an experienced camper, there are plenty of ways to enjoy dry camping.

There are almost as many ways to dry camp as people who do it. You can choose a campsite that is secluded and far from others, or you can camp near others so you can share in the communal joys of food preparation, cooking over an open fire, and general bonding.

You can also pick a campsite that suits your needs as opposed to what's available, such as searching out areas where you won't encounter other campers or where you won't have to worry about having adequate facilities nearby.

Sometimes it's good to have company when you're camping, especially if you have children or pets who might get restless and want attention during the day when you don't want them taking up your space. Some campsites allow pets; some don't. If yours does, make sure you keep your pet away from fire pits and other flammable materials.

Dry Camping

Tips For Dry Camping

While many people believe that "dry camping" is different from staying in a cabin, there are some essential things to remember when doing so.

When it comes to dry camping, it's essential to understand that you don't want to go too far from the nearest water source. No one plans for the weather to turn on them, and ensuring adequate water access will make all the difference in the world when you need it.

Don't forget that you'll need to consider basic equipment when choosing your location. Pack a tarp and stakes if you're not going light; a tent is also worth considering. You might be able to get by with just a sleeping bag if you're going out of town during the week. But if you plan on camping long term, it's worth investing in a durable tent.

Know your surroundings before you go. This might sound obvious, but it's easy to get lost on a hike and not realize it. If you're planning on hiking, be sure to study up on the area's terrain and flora, as these will be essential factors in your success or failure.

Make sure everyone knows what they're doing before they leave. Find out how long the trip is supposed to take and make plans for how long everyone will stay out there.

Bring more than one person if possible – especially if it's a more extended trip. Two people are easier to keep track of than one, making for a safer trip overall.

black folk camp

Don't Be Intimidated

Don't let camping in the middle of nowhere intimidate you. We hope that this guide has given you better insight into how and why to dry camp, and more importantly, shown you that it's pretty easy. You'll be just fine—and if not, at least you can say you tried. Once you get out there and try it for yourself, we think you'll enjoy dry camping a lot more than you initially thought. It's just one more reason to go out into the great outdoors and do some exploring.

Start Dry Camping With Melanated Campout

Dry camping made easy at Melanated Campout

Melanated Campout is from August 19th through the 21st. This year you are able to bring your own electricity and water. As you have read above, dry camping can be made easy and fun! Expecially during Campout where your electricity and water needs maybe a bit lower than usual because a lot of your time will be spent during any of the fun or self-care activities. And if you are wondering, yes, black folk camp too. And in recent years, their has been a big increase in the number of black folk camping and joining in the back outdoor movement.

Learn more about the Melanated Campout and register today.

Benefits of Outdoor Yoga

Not so long ago, the bulk of a persons time was spent in the outdoors. However, changes in the modern world have led us inside the four walls and with that, stress. Today, humans are tired of being inside and are looking for opportunities to connect with nature. Outdoor yoga is a self-care practice that can connect people with the universe to replenish their energy.

Are you looking for a chance to reconnect with nature and go camping yoga in a peaceful yet stylish way? We have the perfect opportunity for you with our weekend getaway in the Melanated Campout.

group black outdoor yoga
Yoga on beach at Melanated Campout

How is Outdoor Camping Yoga Beneficial?

Camping yoga can help you to develop self-awareness and help to explore the natural connection to the earth. City life affects your physical and mental health with the daily stressors, and outdoor yoga can help you adopt a lifestyle that focuses on your self-care.

Melanated Campout offers you a chance to revive your life, and we have created a perfect opportunity for increased wakeful relaxation and internal focus.

Nature Replenishes your Energy and Increases Awareness

Our nervous system is developed to punctuate stressful situations with energy bursts as a survival tactic. Camping yoga allows you to spend time in nature that signals your brain to recalibrate the energy to the body.

Spending time in the camping environment increases the feelings of vitality and conviction. Leaving the walls of your home or studio activates your sense of sight, scent, and touch to give your brain a pleasant feeling.

The sensory stimulations clear your mind, and you can feel the fresh oxygen flowing through your body. Melanated Campout yoga provides you with colorful sceneries, pleasant smells of flowers, and the feeling of the fresh air to release the pleasure chemicals through endorphins.

black lady yoga on beach

Outdoor Camping Yoga Boosts Meditation Practice

Scientists have found in research that people who meditate regularly have a smaller amygdala (part of the brain that controls fight-or-flight response). It assists in reducing the release of cortisol, the stress hormone. Outdoor yoga can serve as a self-care mechanism to tune their breathing and utilize the physical sensations to absorb surroundings and focus on the present.

Indoor settings cannot compete with natural ones when it comes to serenity. Practicing yoga amidst the camping experience improves your listening skills as far from the artificial sounds and environment. You can establish a soothing and robust relationship with your inner self in outdoor camping yoga practice.

Letting go of Negative Emotions

Practicing yoga while camping outdoors assists you in connecting with the surroundings and making a strong bond with the beautiful environment around you. When you practice yoga barefoot, it will give you a grounding feeling that makes your mind conscious. It helps you become more receptive and synchronize with the rhythms of your heartbeat.

When your heart and mind sync during meditation, your negative feeling lightens, and positive emotions arise from the release of relaxing hormones. It leads to an increase in self-realization and confidence.

Replenish your Lungs

Practicing yoga in the open environment while camping ensures the flow of better-quality oxygen in the natural surroundings. The good quality oxygen breaks down toxins and pollutants in your alveoli, allowing you to inhale and exhale more.

Furthermore, it assists in the flow of oxygen through the vital body organs and improves the performance of your heart.

black outdoor yoga

Source of Vitamin D

The sun is a fundamental source of Vitamin D, crucial for healthy and strong bones. When we spend more time indoors, it might lead to Vitamin D deficiencies. Camping yoga practice provides you with ample time to spend in the sun.

Outdoor yoga serves as a self-care to obtain the daily dose of Vitamin D. It helps you fight depression, relieve stress, and lose weight. Melanated Campout is the perfect solution to avail yourself of the chance to practice yoga in the open to revitalize your energy and bones with Vitamin D.

Self-Care and outdoor yoga are good for you

We are aware that the benefits of self-care and yoga are far-reaching, but they are way better when you practice outdoor camping yoga. And if you haven't tried camping, here's another reason to start. So pack up your yoga bag and essentials to immerse yourself in nature at our Melanated Campout Yoga session.

We welcome you to come and breathe in the fresh air and mesmerize your ears with the soothing sounds of nature.

Community Spirit- It's the Camp Cousin way!

Melanated Campout is more than just a camping event, it is a gathering of like-minded individuals seeking to build community spirit and strengthen bonds. Attending Campout provides an opportunity to connect with people from diverse backgrounds who share a love for nature and outdoor adventure. Here are some of the community spirit and benefits of attending Melanated Campout.

Building Strong Relationships

One of the greatest benefits of attending Melanated Campout is the opportunity to build strong relationships. When you are camping with others, you are all in it together. Whether you are setting up tents, cooking meals, or exploring the great outdoors, you are working together towards a common goal. This shared experience creates a bond that is hard to replicate in other settings. It is a chance to put down the phones, disconnect from the digital world, and connect with people on a deeper level.


Creating a Sense of Belonging

As a person of color, it can sometimes be difficult to find a sense of belonging in certain outdoor spaces. Melanated Campout is a safe and welcoming environment where individuals can come together, celebrate their heritage, and feel a sense of belonging. There is a shared understanding of the unique experiences and challenges faced by black people in outdoor spaces, and attending the Campout creates a space where those experiences can be shared and celebrated.

We've heard "I didn't even know I was missing that sense of community spirit, until I felt it."

Black People Do Camp
Where are you in this picture? You have a whole campground of cousins waiting on you.

Learning from Each Other

Melanated Campout is a community of people with diverse backgrounds and skill sets. This creates an opportunity for individuals to learn from each other. Whether it is learning how to cook a new meal, trying a new outdoor activity, or sharing knowledge about black history and culture, there is always something to learn from each other. This exchange of knowledge helps to build stronger relationships and a deeper sense of community.

Black People Do Camp

Creating Lasting Memories

Finally, attending Melanated Campout is an opportunity to create lasting memories. Campout provides a chance to unplug from the stresses of everyday life and reconnect with nature and community. From hiking and swimming to storytelling and singing around the campfire, there are endless opportunities to create memorable experiences. These memories will last a lifetime and provide a source of joy and inspiration for years to come.

In conclusion, attending Melanated Campout is an opportunity to build strong relationships, create a sense of belonging and community spirit, learn from each other, and create lasting memories. It is a chance to connect with like-minded individuals who share a love for nature and the outdoors. So, if you are looking for a community of people who celebrate black culture, love adventure, and are passionate about the great outdoors, then Melanated Campout is the perfect place for you.