What pets can thrive in a 10 gallon tank? - Quora

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I have a 27 litre fish tank. What species would be suitable to occupy it? - Quora

What fish can I get in a 3-gallon tank, and how many of each? - Quora

How many types of fish can be kept in one tank? - Quora

What pets can go in a 20 gallon glass tank? I have a 20-gallon tank, and I want to have a pet in it that's preferably not fish. - Quora

What tank mates do you recommend with a betta in a 10 gallon tank? - Quora

Can I keep 3 Cory catfish with 5 neon tetras and a betta in a 10 gallon tank? - Quora

Can honey gourami and betta live together in a 100 litre (26 gal)? - Quora

How many goldfish should be kept in a small tank? - Quora

What animals can introduce themselves and predate on fish in freshwater aquariums? - Quora

What are your thoughts on keeping personal fish as pets? Do fish need names like pets because they're 'friends' of ours, or are we just anthropomorphizing them too much? - Quora

How does your aquarium look? What are the names of the fishes in it? - Quora