Tomato Frog (Dyscophus species) Bioactive Vivarium Kit – The Bio Dude

$ 81.00 · 4.5 (687) · In stock

A complete self-cleaning, self-maintaining bioactive Tomato Frog habitat care kit. These interesting frogs are typically found in the Northwest part of Madagascar.  As far as fat frogs go, these are The Dude's favorite. Their bright red color which accentuates their softball-sized body makes them one of my favorite vivaria subjects.  When stressed, these frogs emit a white, sticky, toxic goo. These frogs are truly a one-of-a-kind species. The Dude finds that they benefit from a deep layer of substrate as they love to create dens and tunnels. A dense layer of cork bark with biodegradables is necessary for this species. This kit directly coincides with their husbandry requirements and their niche instincts that they readily display in the vivarium. MicroFlora is included in the kit, but a smaller species of Isopods such as Dwarf White or Purple are recommended as

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